Meet the team

Sophronia Vowels

Sophronia Vowels grew up in small-town Iowa but have always been a city-girl at heart. Her nose leads her all over the world, sniffing out different foods and new experiences. While the perfect at-home latte evades her, endless trials persist. Writing poetry and dancing alone in her room brings her immense joy. She leads her life with curiosity, openness, and transparency, values she believes are essential to all creative endeavors.

Artistic Statement
Theatre wields the immense power of shaping audiences’ relations to other people and perspectives on society. Other mediums can educate and present meaningful narratives, but theatre enkindles compassion for other humans through a shared, inherently emotional experience. As an artist, one propagates radical inclusivity through bolstering marginalized voices and continually expanding on one’s knowledge. Artists create the possibility for lives to be shifted, an incredible potential one must explore with playfulness; boldness; and most of all, an open heart.