Meet the team

Catherine Alam-Nist

Catherine Alam-Nist (Assistant Director) is a director, designer and researcher based in whichever institutional library she is currently haunting (at the moment, Harvard’s Widener). Her academic work looks at the relationship between German-Jewish philosophy and dramatic aesthetic/theory; as a director, she is most interested in stories that centre religion and/or women, as well as in stylistic approaches that allow for interdisciplinary experimentation and blurring of the performer/audience binary. Current influences include Martin Buber, the book of Job, PJ Harvey, and KillMonday’s 2015 immersive psychological horror video game Fran Bow. She wants to heartily thank Lee for being the badass female director a 23-year-old baby female director really needs to see, and she hopes everyone has fun watching three women being very silly (very skillfully) for two and a half hours!