In April 2017, Central Square Theater is producing Paradise by Laura Maria Censabella, about a dynamic Yemeni-American high-school girl who discovers a passion for science. Her teacher helps her navigate dreams of becoming a research scientist in spite of the challenges of stereotypes – from both within and without her Muslim community – about women in science.
As part of Central Square Theater’s science-theater initiative, Catalyst Collaborative @ MIT, we are launching a campaign promoting Paradise, inspired by how the face of American science is changing, and to make vivid the achievements of female scientists, scientists of color, and young scientists.
Our goal is to find professionals and students – in any and all fields of science – to answer the questions below and send us a photo. We will post these on Central Square Theater’s social media, and send you a link to a ticket discount code for Paradise.
Please use this form to tell us more about your achievements and aspirations – we are excited to hear from you!
This campaign continues the spirit and mission of the This Is What A Scientist Looks Like project developed by freelance science writer Allie Wilkinson to challenge the stereotypical perception of a scientist.