Scott Nicholas
Scott Nicholas has performed in Europe, Latin America, and throughout the United States. Locally, Mr. Nicholas has appeared all over the New England region in solo and chamber performances. He has been heard on WGBH Boston and has been the rehearsal and performance pianist for groups and events including the Tanglewood Festival Chorus, the Boston Pops, Minnesota Opera, Boston Lyric Opera’s outreach program, E.C. Schirmer’s Philovox Ensemble, The Boston Conservatory’s Summer Choral Festival, The Concord Women’s Chorus, The Bostonians, Chorus Pro Musica, and the Leyontene Vocal Arts Competition. Scott Nicholas has been music director for performances at the Franklin Performing Arts Company, Suffolk University, and the New England Conservatory. He received his BA in Music Education from The College of New Jersey, earned an MM from the New England Conservatory in Accompanying/Vocal Coaching, and is on the faculty of Emerson College and Suffolk University.